Functional, Verbose, Sensical: A Programming Language Proposal

Here are the features of the as of yet non existent programming language:
- The only objects are modules, globals, functions and parameters.
- No variables. This is a purely functional language.
- Every global and parameter is a stream and so can have 0, 1, or more values.
- Modules define, import, and export globals and functions.
- Each module can have a single entry function which is the function that is run when the module is run.
- Identifiers can contain spaces
- Setting globals and parameter defaults uses a colon
- Conditional equality expressions uses a single '='.
- If statements are streamlined as shown below for easy conditional handling.
- Each function can only contain a single expression making this language purely functional
- Error handling is done using the if statement.
- You can use values that might not exist and then handle the error cases further down the if statement.
module age groups {
import print from command line output;
import error from command line output;
max baby age: 2;
max kid age: 12;
max teenager age: 17;
function tell the user they are a baby {
print('You are a baby')
function tell the user that they are a kid {
print('You are a kid')
function tell the user that they are a teenager {
print('You are a teenager')
function tell the user that they are an adult {
print('You are an adult')
export function tell the user what age group they are in (age) {
? age <= max baby age :
tell the user they are a baby
? age < max kid age :
tell the user that they are a kid
? age < max teenager age :
tell the user that they are a teenager
? has one value(age) :
tell the user that they are an adult
? has multiple values(age) :
error('Please provide only one age')
? no values(age) :
error('No age was provided')
: // this would be the else case, but based upon the above statements it should never be reached.
module my program {
import tell the user what age group they are in from age groups;
import the users age from command line arguments;
entry function run the program {
tell the user what age group they are in(the users age)